IVF Success Rates in the USA - Own Eggs - Fresh = Success Rates

Breaking It Down: Your age is the pivotal factor influencing success rates. Women under the age of 35 have the highest success rates, but even women over 35 still have a chance of success, albeit with reduced odds.

Here’s a breakdown of the average success rates for IVF using your own eggs in the United States, categorized by the woman’s age:

Age of Woman Success Rate
Under 35 40%
35-37 35%
38-40 30%
41-42 25%
43-44 20%
45-46 15%
47-48 10%

Remember, these are general averages, and individual success rates can be higher or lower. Various factors, such as egg quality, uterine health, and the expertise of the fertility specialist, can influence the outcome.

IVF Success Rates in India - Own Eggs - Fresh = Success Rates

The following numbers are from a medical study in Punjab, but we have not been able to have them verified and appear to be inflated and inaccurate, taking the high rate of genetic TB in India and exceed the FDA verified rate in USA where medical expertise is much higher:

What is the IVF success rate in India By Age?

The IVF success rate by age changes with age because of several factors: ovulation disorder (PCOS), diminished ovarian reserve, tubal factors, endometriosis, male factor, other unexplained factors, and Body Mass Index. But all above else, Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered the most crucial factor that determines the IVF success rate by age as mentioned below:

  • Those who are in the age bracket of 20 to 25 years have approximately an 80% chance to conceive a child with an 18% to 20% BMI.
  • Those who are in the age bracket of 25 to 30 years have an approximately 70% chance to conceive a child with an 18% to 20% BMI.
  • Those who are in the age bracket of 30 to 35 years have an approximately 55% chance to conceive a child with an 18% to 20% BMI.
  • Those who are in the age bracket of 35 to 40 years have approximately a 38% chance to conceive a child with an 18% to 20% BMI.
  • Those who are the age 40 years or above have an approximately 22% chance to conceive a child with an 18% to 20% BMI.

Kindly take a look at the Link for more accurate results from a verified medical study.

Also refer to a government sponsored study which may be more accurate.

SART IVF Cycle 1

Before starting your treatment, SART IVF Cycle 1 evaluates your overall likelihood of having a baby across one or more full cycles* of IVF treatment.

SART IVF Click Here

SART IVF Cycle 2

If the treatments in your first complete cycle don't result in success and you choose to pursue IVF further, SART IVF Cycle 2 helps assess your updated chances of having a baby over the second and third complete cycles.

SART IVF Click Here

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