It is convenient and local. No overseas travel involved which can be an issue if you ae on an H-1 Visa or wait listed for your Green Card or other citizenship related concerns.
Surrogacy laws are well established, especially in California.
Your baby will be an American citizen by birth.
Embryo creation using donor eggs and IVF estimated costs: . $32,000
Types of Donor options available through our agency
- Black
- Caucasian
- Indian
Surrogacy costs for surrogate to carry baby for nine months, legal, etc. is $120,000 to $150,000.
Surrogates available through our agency
- Black
- Caucasian
- Spanish
- Mexican
Baby born in the USA will automatically be USA citizen Depending on Individual USA state laws of surrogacy, parent can be
- Single
- Married couple
- Gay
- Lesbian
Sex selection of baby, male or female is permitted.
The waiting time and cost for surrogate mothers is a question of supply and demand. The lowest cost is for an Afro-American or Mexican Surrogate who is a first-time surrogate and will be available quickly. An experienced Caucasian surrogate who is a repeat surrogate will cost up to twice as much and you may have an extended waiting time of up to one year to find the right surrogate. But there are many other options in between.
Kindly call us at 1-212-661-7177 to discuss in more detail.